After touring the country as a nationally recognized teacher, Dorina founded her company B.E.L.I.E.V.E.! – Be the Educators who LEAD to Inspire and Empower Via Empathy! ©
Blending her doctoral research with her years of classroom teaching, Dorina understands that truly motivating teachers to enhance their craft requires ongoing personal and professional learning. Dorina’s forte includes ongoing dialogue, authentic data-driven feedback, and structured follow-up that makes a lasting impact.
As one of the country’s top education consultants for helping schools create equitable and effective learning environments for ALL (Academic Language Learners), Dorina works with teachers and administrators to transform education. The impact of her passion to empower, motivate, inspire, and celebrate teachers and teaching can be seen across most states, US Commonwealths, and now, internationally!
Here are just a few of the districts and education agencies
that have hired Dorina to work with their teachers:
Antelope Valley High School District
(Antelope Valley, CA)
- The Writing Recipe
- Brain-Based Research & Student Learning
- English Learners & Dual Language
- From an ELL Perspective: Presenting in Portuguese
- Culturally Responsive teaching
- Linguistic Equity
- Model teaching in a Newcomer Classroom
- SIFE/SLIFE/LTELL Professional Learning
- Transformative Emotional Intelligence & SEL
- Global Citizenship in Rural Education
- Motivation
Bay District Schools
(Panama City, FL)
- ALL for ELL Grant (3 years)
- The Equitable Schools for ELL Walkthrough: An Observation Tool for Administrators
- Culturally Responsive Curriculum
- Motivation
- Model Teaching Content Areas with ELL
- Program Design & Curriculum Development for 6-12 Newcomers
- SIFE/SLIFE/LTELL Professional Learning
- Transformative Emotional Intelligence & SEL
- The Writing Recipe
Dearborn Public Schools
(Dearborn, MI)
- Motivation
- The Writing Recipe
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- From an ELL Perspective: Presenting in Portuguese
- Linguistic Equity
- Neuroscience and the Bilingual Brain
Northwest Independent School District
(Justin, TX)
- Motivation
- The Writing Recipe
- Writing Curriculum Analysis & Planning for Newcomer, SIFE/SLIFE
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Equity and ELL
Omaha Public Schools
(Omaha, NE)
- The Writing Recipe
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Brain-Based Teaching & Learning
- Motivation
- From an ELL Perspective: Presenting in Portuguese
Patterson Joint Unified School District
(Patterson, CA)
- Motivation
- Transformative Emotional Intelligence & SEL
- The Writing Recipe
- Content Area Scaffolding of Curriculum for ELL
- Breaking Down Data to Understand ELL
Putnam City Schools
(Oklahoma City, OK)
- Transformative Emotional Intelligence & SEL
- The Writing Recipe
- From an ELL Perspective: Presenting in Portuguese
- Motivation
- Culturally Responsive Curriculum
- Understanding ELL Data for Administrators
Robbinsdale Area Schools
(Robbinsdale, MN)
- Balanced Literacy
- Model Teaching Balanced Literacy
- Classroom Set Up to Set Up ELLs for Success
- Differentiated Instruction
- The Writing Recipe
- Creating Culturally Responsive PD
Rockland Public Schools
(Rockland, MA)
- Dual-Language Program Analysis
- Dual Language Program Data Analysis
- The Writing Recipe
- Differentiated Instruction in Dual Language
- Co-Teaching Model Teaching for Dual Language
Troy Public Schools
(Troy, MT)
- Motivation for Teachers
- Motivation for Students
- Global Citizenship in Rural Education
- Community Involvement
- Student Centered Classroom Culture Building
Waterloo Community Schools
(Waterloo, IA)
- The Writing Recipe
- Equity & ELL
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Content Teachers and Differentiated Instruction
- Model teaching in a Newcomer Classroom
- SIFE/SLIFE/LTELL Professional Learning
- Transformative Emotional Intelligence & SEL
- Global Citizenship in Rural Education